What are some reasons that it is important to study Bible prophecy?
- a. It is plausible, passionate, and protected
- b. It is profitable, proven, and purifying
- c. It is provocative, pacifying, and permissive
- d. It is projecting, profiteering, and passive
What are the three strands of the human family?
- a. Jews, Greeks, and Barbarians
- b. Father, Mother, and Children
- c. Gentiles, Jews, and Christians
- d. Christians, Muslims, and Jews
To which group was Jesus directly speaking when He was preaching the Sermon on the Mount?
- a. Jews
- b. Roman Soliders
- c. Christians
- d. Paul, Timothy, and Mark
True/False - A person is able to be in more than one strand of the human family
- a. True
- b. False
Which of the following has the three strands of the human family in order of their appearance on the earth?
- a. Christians, Jews, and Gentiles
- b. Jews, Christians, and Gentiles
- c. Gentiles, Jews, and Christians
- d. All three were present on the earth at the moment of Creation
True/False - All three strands of the human family will be present on the earth during the Tribulation.
- a. True
- b. False
The Book of Daniel most directly addresses which group?
- a. Jews
- b. Gentiles
- c. Christians
- d. none of the above
The Book of Ezekiel most directly addresses which group?
- a. Jews
- b. Gentiles
- c. Christians
- d. none of the above
The Book of Revelation most directly addresses which group?
- a. Jews
- b. Gentiles
- c. Christians
- d. none of the above
In which of the following orders did Dr. DeYoung suggest studying the chapters of the book of Daniel?
- a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - Biblical order
- b. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Backwards order
- c. 1 2 3 4 7 8 5 6 9 10 11 12 - Chronological order
- d. 1 12 2 11 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 7 - Random order
The book of Ezekiel contains two distinct messages. What were those two messages?
- a. Resurrection and Repentance
- b. Revenge and Resolution
- c. Return and Rebuild
- d. Retribution and Restoration
The biblical outline of the book of Revelation as pointed out in this study is: the things which were, the things which are, and the things which shall be. What was the outline that Dr. DeYoung used?
- a. The Prelude, Program, and Postlude of the Tribulation
- b. The Past, Present, and Prophetic
- c. People, Places, and Prophecy
- d. Problems, Process, and Perfection
True/False - The Birth of Jesus Christ is the key event in all of history
- a. True
- b. False
What are the three main future events of God’s prophetic plan?
- a. The Revelation of the Antichrist, the Return of the Jews to the land, the Rebuilding of the Temple
- b. The Rapture of the Church, the Return of Jesus Christ, the Retribution at the Great White Throne Judgment
- c. The Rebuilding of the Temple, the Resurrection of the Dead, the Removal of Satan
- d. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Restoration of Paradise, the Reconciliation of mankind and God
What are the three periods of time following the three events described in question 10 - what are the three main time periods of the future?
- a. The Tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom, Eternity Future
- b. The Kingdom Now, Antichrist's Reign, the Time of Jacob's Trouble
- c. The Times of the Gentiles, Times of Refreshing, The Great Tribulation
- d. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, A time, times, and half a time, The Eternal Kingdom
Why should one believe in a PreTribulational Rapture?
- a. There is no mention of the Church in Revelation 4:2 - 19:10, the passages describing the Tribulation
- b. The measurement of time used during the description of the Tribulation is Jewish, not Christian
- c. Revelation 3:10 promised we will be kept from the hour of testing - Tribulation
- d. All of the above
What is "The Day of the Lord"?
- a. Sunday
- b. Everyday
- c. Anytime God directly intervenes in the affairs of man personally on the earth
- d. The day that John received the Revelation of Jesus Christ
What is the "Fullness of the Gentiles"?
- a. The New Testament
- b. Anytime in history when the Temple Mount is controlled by a Gentile world power
- c. The joy that is felt sharing the Gospel with a lost person who is not a Jew
- d. When all of the Gentiles that are going to become Christians have done so
The Bible states that "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment." Every human will face the judgment of God. Which of the following accurately represents a future judgment, who is judged, and what the outcome will be?
- The Judgment Seat of Christ - The Dead Small and Great - The Second Death
- The Great White Throne Judgment - The Living Jews at the end of the Tribulation - Entrance into the Kingdom
- The Dividing of the Sheep and the Goats - The Lost of all the Ages - The Lake of Fire
- The Judgment Seat of Christ - Christians - Reward or loss thereof
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