School of Prophets

Course Content

Online Resources

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Week Nine

Week Ten

Week Eleven

Week Twelve

Final Project & Exam

BIB 655 The Jewish Feasts - 3 Credits

Course Description -  Understanding how Jews play the major role past present future in Bible prophecy.

Course Content

1. God's Assigned Feast Days - Leviticus 23
2. Passover
3. Unleavened Bread
4. First Fruits
5. Pentecost
6. Trumpets
7. Day of Atonement
8. Tabernacles
9. Spring Feasts Fulfilled By Christ
10. Trumpets - Second Coming, Not Rapture

Learning Objectives

What it is the Learner to should know when they are finished with this course.

Primary Resources

1. King James Bible
2. Interlinear Greek New Testament
3. Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament
4. Strong's Concordance

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Online Resources

Free Bible Study Resources

There are many places online that you can read and study God's Word.  Here are just a few of our favorites.*

Study the Bible Online (Website based)

These websites have multiple searchable Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries, reading plans, and more.  You can search by keyword, reference, or topic. Dozens of English Bible Translations and commentaries. Many other languages also supported Many English Bible Translations, and see them all at once, verse-by-verse
Online Bible and Study Tools Multiple English Translations, Encyclopedias, Commentaries, Dictionaries, and more Many Bible Translations and Study Materials available

Bible Study Desktop Applications

These free apps for your desktop or laptop offer free search, Bible reading, and study materials in multiple English translations, as well as other languages.  No internet connection required after the initial download. Windows
Eloquent Eloquent Mac OS X The Sword Project Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Mobile

Bible Study Mobile Apps

These free apps for your phone, tablet, or mobile device offer free search and bible reading in multiple English translations, as well as other languages.  Many of the Bibles are available to download for offline reading.
Bible App
iOS, Android, Windows, Kindle Fire, Other Mobile OSes OliveTree
Bible Apps
iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS X

Download Audio Bibles

Download the Bible in spoken word form to listen to on your computer, media player, phone, or other device.  This is a great way to enrich your commutes, exercise routine, or other downtime.   Multiple Translations available in audio MP3s. Download for offline listening.
Options include: Dramatized or not, with or without background music options for some translations.

Other Online Resources

Prophecy Today -

The Sanhedrin -

The Temple Institute in Jerusalem, Israel -

The Internet Archive - Text Archive Search - Millions of books that are now in the public domain, including many Study Bibles, Commentaries, Devotionals, etc. that are available for online reading or download.

Dallas Theological Seminary Library Rare Books -

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) - a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.

Project Gutenberg: Free ebooks -

Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon -

Biblical History Maps -

Bible Timeline -

Bible Atlas -

Lee University - List of English Bible translations on online sources for them -

Internet Bible Catalog -

Thru the Bible Radio with J. Vernon McGee (full 5-year program available to download as mp3s)

Arutz Sheva - News out of Israel

The Jerusalem Post - News out of Israel

LibreOffice - Free, Legal, Safe, Cross-platform office suite -

* External pages are not maintained or controlled by the School of Prophets or Shofar Communications, Inc..
Inclusion on this page doesn't necessarily mean that everything on these sites is endorsed or supported by Shofar Communications, Inc..

But, of course, we do fully endorse the Bible itself.

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Reference List

This is where we will list specific books, articles, lectures, etc. that are specific to the course itself.

1. Audio/video lectures by Dr. DeYoung and other historians and theologians. Posted on website
2. J. Vermon McGee


Assignments 7 percent each
Final Project 16 percent


Weekly assignment equal a total of 84 percent of your grade…7 points per assignment
Final project equals 16 percent of your grade.

Find every mention of Jerusalem in scripture.

WEEK ONE: God's Assigned Feast Days - Leviticus 23

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Using Lev 23 and additional research explain the following:
The historic and agricultural characteristics of the feasts.
How God uses these feasts to communicate His redemptive plan for the Jewish people

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WEEK TWO: Passover

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Video by jimmy on day of discovery

The origins of the Passover  Ex 12
The actual details of the Lev 23:4-8
Trace throughout the entire bible the events associated with (II Chron 35 ;Joshua 5  example)

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WEEK THREE: Unleavened Bread – Lev 23:6-8;  Ex 25

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Deliverables:  same questions above

Four page paper on topic

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WEEK FOUR: First Fruits  Lev 23:9-14

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WEEK FIVE: Pentecost

 Lev 23:15-22

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WEEK SIX: Trumpets Lev 23:23-25

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WEEK SEVEN: Jerusalem, Trodden Down During the Times of The Gentiles

Reading:  Genesis 1-2
Supplemental Reading:
Lectures online:  CFP #1


Lk 21:24 using explain the verse and its fulfillment using Dan 2; 7; a definition of the times of the gentiles the revived roman empire and the purpose of the tribulation as it relates to Lk 21:24.

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WEEK EIGHT: Day of Atonement  Lev 23:26-32; Lev 16


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WEEK NINE: Tabernacles
  Lev 23:33-44
Reading:  Deliverables:

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LESSON NINE:  Spring Feasts Fulfilled By Christ

Document how Christ (mat mark lk john and any additionalo references) fulfilled the first 4 jewish spring jeasts  I chjron 5:7 he is our Passover; I chron 15:20, 23 he is first fruits.

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WEEK TEN: Christ's - Second Coming, Not Rapture

Reading:  Geneses 1 and 2
Supplemental Reading:
Lectures on line:  CFP #1

Deliverables: Christ fulfilled first four in proper sequences he must also fulfill the last 3 in proper sequence as well.  Therefore, show how Christ fulfills the feats of trumpets at his second coming and not the rapture.  Matt 24:31.

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WEEK ELEVEN: Day of Atonement - All Jews Saved

Same as above  show how Christ as the high preiest will enter the holy of holies on the day of attonement.  When all jews will be saved ina day  jZach 3:9; see also Ezek 43:1-7 and heb 9:24-28

Reading:  Geneses 1 and 2
Supplemental Reading:
Lectures on line:  CFP #1


Using the following verses defend the statement “Jer is the headquarters of the kingdom that is to come. Psa 132:13-14; Gen 1:26-28; II Sam 7.
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WEEK TWELVE: Tabernacles and the Kingdom to Come

Detail how feast of tabernacles will  be fulfilled with the establishment of a jesus Christ explain how these erses enhance that conclusion Matt 17:1-13; Zach 14:16-19  and any additional references.


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FINAL PROJECT (16 percent)

Descuss gods plan of redemption and his ultimate rogram for Jewish people revealed by the 7 jewish feats found in lev 23.

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