School of Prophets

Course Content


Gatlinburg 2012

Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Week Nine

Week Ten

Week Eleven

Week Twelve

Final Project & Exam

BIB 585 Ezekiel 3 Credits

Course Description A prophetic look at the book of Ezekiel

Course Content

      Gatlinburg 2012 Audio
  1. Introduction and outline of the book of Ezekiel
  2. Ezekiel 1 - The Glory of the Lord
  3. Ezekiel 2 & 3 - Ezekiel's Call to Ministry
  4. Ezekiel 4 - 24 - Ezekiel's Unique Ministry
  5. Ezekiel 25 - 32 - Judgment on Israel's Neighbors
  6. Ezekiel 34, 36, 37 - Dry Bones
  7. Ezekiel 37:15 - 23 - The Two Sticks Prophecy
  8. Ezekiel 38 - Alignment of the Nations
  9. Ezekiel 39 - Demise of Islam
10. Ezekiel 35 - Esau and the Palestinians
11. Ezekiel 40 - 46 Messiah's Temple
12. Ezekiel 47 & 48 - The River and the Division of the Land

Learning Objectives

To see how the Lord used a Jewish priest as a prophet to his own people with a message of retribution and restoration.

Primary Resources

1. King James Bible
2. Interlinear Greek New Testament
3. Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament
4. Strong's Concordance

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These are general websites that you may find useful throughout your program of study.

Project Gutenberg: Free electronic books (ebooks) Full text.

The Online Books Page

HighWire Press: Free online full-text articles

Baen Free Library: Baen Books make available a number of their publications in electronic format.

Free Books: Many books in the public domain may be freely accessed here. Great Books Online

Mr.FreeFree: Free Libraries Online
Online Bible in over 50 versions

Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon

Commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedias, lexicons

Bible Atlas

Biblical Maps Ancientclassical History

Berean Bible Society: Cornelius R. Stam

Thru the Bible Radio with J. Vernon McGee

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Grade: 100%

Weekly Paper 7 percent each = 50%
Final Project = 25 percent
Final Examination = 25 percent
The questions for the final examination will come directly from the study questions. It is to your advantage to answer the study questions each week rather than wait until you begin the final examination.


The Weekly Paper is due at the end of each week.
The Final Project is due at the beginning of the fifteenth week
The Final Examination will be due at the end of the fifteenth week.

Gatlinburg 2012

Introduction and Outline

Glory of the Lord in Ezekiel's Call

God's Judgment on Jews & Their Neighbors

Ezekiel 34, 36 and 37 - Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37:15-23 - The Two Sticks Prophecy

Ezekiel 38 - Alignment of the Nations

Ezekiel 39 - Demise of Islam

Ezekiel 35 - Esau and the Palestinians

Ezekiel 40-46 - Messiah's Temple

Ezekiel 47-48 - The River and the Division of the Land

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WEEK ONE: Introduction and outline of the book of Ezekiel

Reading: The entire book of Ezekiel
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Introduction to Ezekiel
Reading: Ezekiel: The Man and the Message by Dr. DeYoung

Introduction to Ezekiel: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Introduction to Ezekiel: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

a. Under what circumstances did Ezekiel's ministry and prophecy take place?
b. Describe the ministry of Ezekiel. The background, how he was called, what influenced his new calling and the message he was to preach.

Two-page Paper

In Ezekiel Chapter 8-11, the glory of the Lord departs from the house of the Lord. In chapters 40-46, the scripture speaks of a different temple unrelated to the tabernacle or previous temple. How did Ezekiel's unique background serve as preparation for understanding and communication the prophecies given to him?

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WEEK TWO: Ezekiel 1 - The Glory of the Lord

Reading: Ezekiel 1
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, chapter 1

Ezekiel 1: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 1: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Supplemental Reading: Using a concordance, find and read all passages in Ezekiel that refer to the "glory of the Lord."

Study Questions

a. From the text, who was Ezekiel?
b. Using both the lectures and the texts, how would you describe the "throne chariot"?
c. Using both the lectures and the texts, describe the passenger in the chariot.
d. What was Ezekiel's response when he saw the passenger of the throne chariot?

Two page paper: Discuss how God prepared Ezekiel for his ministry.

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WEEK THREE: Ezekiel's Call to his Ministry

Reading: Ezekiel 2 and 3
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, chapters 2 and 3

Ezekiel 2: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 3: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 2 and 3: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

1. Describe all of the instructions that the Lord gave Ezekiel concerning his prophetic ministry.
2. How does the Lord describe the reaction of the Jewish people to Ezekiel?
3. How does the Lord describe the reaction of the Jewish people to Ezekiel?
4. Using your concordance and Bible dictionary, describe a "watchman." Relate that information to how God makes Ezekiel a "watchman." What did the Lord do to Ezekiel that would make it difficult for a prophet to minister and how did the Lord provide for Ezekiel?

Two page paper: Discuss how the Lord equipped Ezekiel to be a "watchman" and how the prophet was to use this ministry among his own people, the Jewish people.

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WEEK FOUR: Ezekiel's Unique Ministry

Reading: Ezekiel 4 - 24
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, chapters 4 through 24

Ezekiel 4:   (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 5:   (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 6:   (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 7:   (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 8:   (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 9:   (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 10: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 11: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 12: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 13: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 14: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 15: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 16: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 17: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 18: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 19: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 20: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 21: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 22: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 23: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 24: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 4 - 24: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

1. Discuss the unique instructions God gave to Ezekiel in chapter 4.
2. Discuss the events in chapter 5.
3. Discuss the events in chapter 24.
4. What did the "glory of the Lord" do in chapters 8-11?
5. Discuss the prophet's ministry of retribution to the Jewish people.

Two page paper: Discuss how the Lord used this Ezekiel to reach a message of "judgment" to his own people and the uniqueness of his ministry...especially in Ezekiel 4, 5, and 24)

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WEEK FIVE: Judgment on Israel's Neighbors

Reading: Ezekiel 25 - 32
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, chapters 25-32

Ezekiel 25: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 26: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 27: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 28: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 29: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 30: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 31: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download
Ezekiel 32: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 25 - 32: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

1. Explain how the judgment pronounced upon the neighbors of Israel is based on the Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 12:1-3 and chapter 15.
2. Using your concordance, list the times "thou shalt know that I am the Lord" is used in Ezekiel 25-32 and explain its significance.
3. Describe the "ruler of this world", Satan, as depicted in Ezekiel 28.
4. Describe the nations and the judgments as outlined in these chapters.

Two page paper: Discuss how the phrase "they shall know that I am the Lord," used 15 times in these chapters, is the theme of the Lord's judgment on the neighbors of Israel.

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WEEK SIX: Dry Bones

Reading: Ezekiel 33, 34, 36 and 37:1-14
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Ezekiel 33, 34, 36 and 37:1-14

Ezekiel 33: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 34: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 36: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 37:1-14: (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 33, 34, 36 and 37:1-14: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

1. Describe how the Lord decommissioned Ezekiel and restored his speech.
2. Define apocalyptic literature and illustrate it with the passage Ezekiel 37:1-14.
3. In Ezekiel 34, what does God tell Ezekiel 18 times and how does it apply to the Jews returning to the land?.
4. In Ezekiel 36:22, what does God tell Ezekiel about the land?
5. What does the phrase mean "for my holy name's sake"?

Two page paper: How do the prophetic passages, found in this study, relate to today's current activities of the modern state of Israel?

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WEEK SEVEN: The Two Sticks Prophecy

Reading: Ezekiel 37:15-33

Ezekiel 37:15-23: (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Interview with Rabbi Wolpe - Listen   Download

Supplemental Reading:Ezra 1, 2 and 6

Study Questions

1. What are the three different uses of the word "Israel" in Scripture?
2. How do the passages in Ezra and other New Testament passages help to determine if all 12 tribes of Israel are back in the land? 

Two page paper: Using the material found in Dr. DeYoung's lectures and the interview of Rabi Wolpe, what does the prophecy of the "two sticks" mean?

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WEEK EIGHT: Alignment of the Nations

Reading: Ezekiel 38

Daniel 11:40-45 (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Ezekiel 38 (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Supplemental Reading: Daniel 11:40-45; Psalm 83:1-8

Study Questions:

1. Define the modern-day nations revealed in Daniel 11:40-45. Ezekiel 38:1-6; Psalms 83:5,6.
2. Define the phrase found in Ezekiel 38:4, "put hooks into thy jaws"?
3. According to the text, when will the battle of Gog and Magog take place?

Two page paper on: Describe how and when the battle of Gog and Magog takes place.

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WEEK NINE: Demise of Islam

Reading: Ezekiel 39
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary

Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6 (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

1. How does the Lord intercede to save the Jewish people from total alienation form the alignment of the nations?
2. Explain Ishmael's role in the alignment of the nations.
3. Why is Ishmael not the father of the Arab world?

Two page paper: Explain the role of Islam in the alignment of the nations. How, when, and why will Islam be destroyed?

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WEEK TEN: Esau and the Palestinians

Reading: Ezekiel 35

Ezekiel 35 (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Supplemental Reading: Jeremiah 49:7-22; Obadiah, Malachi 1

Study Questions

1. Genesis 25. Discuss the two brothers and the two peoples they become.
2. What part does Petra play in the decedents of Esau?
3. Give a brief description of the Edomites of Old Testament.
4. Give a brief description of the Edomites from Malachi to Matthew.
5. Discuss the judgment of the Edomites at Jerusalem as foretold in Obadiah.

Two page paper: Trace from Esau to the Palestinians of today. Include their eventual destiny.

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WEEK ELEVEN: Messiah's Temple

Reading: Ezekiel 40-46
Reading: The Bible Knowledge Commentary, chapters 40-46

Ezekiel 40-46 (Dr. DeYoung) - Listen   Download

Study Questions

1. Explain why the temple described in Ezekiel 40-46 is not the same as the tabernacle and the first two temples.
2. Detail items missing from this temple that were part of the tabernacle and the first two temples.
3. Explain the reinstitution of the sacrificial system use in the Messiah's Temple during the Kingdom period.
4. How does the Tribulation temple differ from the final temple, the Messiah's Temple?

Two page paper: How does the Tribulation temple and its preparations reveal the nearness of Christ's coming to build His Temple?

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WEEK TWELVE: The River and the Division of the Land

Reading: Ezekiel 47-48
Reading: Bible Knowledge Commentary, Deuteronomy 30, Ezekiel 47-48

Ezekiel 47-48 (Dr. McGee) - Listen   Download

Supplemental Reading: Deuteronomy 30

Study Questions

1. Describe the significance of the river flowing from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
2. How is the division of the land done and to whom is it given?

Two page paper: In the context of Ezekiel 40-48, explain when and why God's promise of the land covenant of Deuteronomy 30 is fulfilled.

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FINAL PROJECT (25 percent)

Develop Ezekiel's message of retribution of the Jewish people and their neighbors and the message of restoration of the kingdom people and kingdom practices. Use the entire book of Ezekiel.

FINAL EXAMINATION (25 percent) (Student may be exempt by maintaining an "A" average on deliverables and final project.)

The final examination will be open book and the questions used will be taken directly from the weekly Study Questions. Due at the end of the fifteenth week.

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