School of Prophets

Course Content


Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Week Nine

Week Ten

Week Eleven

Week Twelve

Final Project & Exam

BIB 584 Daniel 3 Credits

Course Description - A prophetic look at the book of Daniel

Course Content

  1. Introduction and Daniel's Training
  2. Daniel 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and Time of the Gentiles
  3. Daniel 3 - The "Fiery Furnace"
  4. Daniel 4 - Nebuchadnezzar's Fall from Power
  5. Daniel 7 & 8 - The Dreams and Definition
  6. Daniel 2 & 7 - The Revived Roman Empire
  7. Daniel 5 - Fall of Babylon - the Empire
  8. Daniel 6 - The Rise of the Medo-Persian Empire
  9. Daniel 9 - 70th Week of Daniel
10. Daniel 10 - Angels and Prophecy
11. Daniel 11 - Five Personalities of Prophecy
12. Daniel 12 - At the Time of the End

Learning Objectives

Understanding the preparation of Daniel and how God uses him in His prophetic program.  To develop an understanding of the prophetic message of the book of Daniel.

Primary Resources

1. King James Bible
2. Interlinear Greek New Testament
3. Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament
4. Strong's Concordance

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These are websites that you may find useful in your study for this course.

Project Gutenberg: Free electronic books (ebooks) Full text.

The Online Books Page

HighWire Press: Free online full-text articles

Baen Free Library: Baen Books make available a number of their publications in electronic format.

Free Books: Many books in the public domain may be freely accessed here. Great Books Online

Mr.FreeFree: Free Libraries Online
Online Bible in over 50 versions

Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon

Commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, encyclopedias, lexicons

Bible Atlas

Biblical Maps Ancientclassical History

Berean Bible Society: Cornelius R. Stam

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Grade: 100%

Weekly Paper - 7% each = 50%
Final Project = 25%
Final Examination = 25%


The Weekly Paper is due at the end of each week.
The Final Project is due at the beginning of the fifteenth week
The Final Examination is due at the end of the fifteenth week.

WEEK ONE: Introduction to Daniel and Daniel's Training

Reading: Chapter 1
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. Trace Nebuchadnezzar's journey into Egypt and back through Jerusalem to Babylon to becoming King of the Babylonian Empire.
2. How does Daniel 1:8 set the pattern for his lifestyle during the captivity?
3. How does Daniel 1:17 set the stage for Daniel to be used by God to foretell the prophetic role of the leaders of the world?


Two page paper: How does the first chapter of Daniel illustrate God's purpose for an individual life and how it fits into His overall plan? (Romans 8:28)

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WEEK TWO: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and the Time of the Gentiles

Reading: Chapter 2
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. What was the dream?
2. What is the dream's interpretation?
3. How does the interpretation of the dream fit into history from the time of Daniel until the time of Christ?
4. How does the interpretation of the dream fit into End-Time prophecy?


Two page paper: Discuss the definition of the "Times of the Gentiles" in light of the dream and the interpretation. Luke 21:24

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WEEK THREE: The Fiery Furnace

Reading: Chapter 3
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. What kind of thought pattern brought Nebuchadnezzar to the place where he would build such a tower?
2. What type of thought pattern did the three young men have in light of this adulterous command?
3. Discuss the faith of these three young men and what it enabled them to do in the face of death.
4. How did God provide their protection and to what lengths did He go - not just to survive but to overcome (for instance there was no smell of smoke.)


Two page paper:  Explain how knowledge/understanding of prophecy not only helps you to understand the future but also how to live a practical life. (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)

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WEEK FOUR: Nebuchadnezzar's Fall from Power

Reading: Chapter 4
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. Daniel 2:37-38 explains God's hand upon Nebuchadnezzar.  How did Nebuchadnezzar reject this knowledge and what were the consequences?
2. Define Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
3. Discuss its Interpretation.
4. How does an understanding of prophecy put you back on the right track?


Two page paper:  Discuss the possible consequences that a lack of knowledge or understanding of prophecy can have. (Hosea 4:6)

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WEEK FIVE: Daniel 7 and 8 - The Dreams and Definition

Reading: Chapters 7 and 8
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. How does the Scripture interpret Daniel's dream of the four beasts out of the sea?
2. How does the Scripture interpret Daniel's vision of the ram and goat?
3. We have read up to chapter 4 and have gone to chapters 7 and 8.  Why was this sequence taken out of numerical order?
4. Discuss God giving to Daniel a kingdom and dominion over all creation that will exist forever.


Two page paper:  Using chapters 7 and 8, discuss the principle that the interpretation of a prophecy is often found in the Word of God as well.

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WEEK SIX: Daniel 2 and 7 - The Revived Roman Empire

Reading: Chapters 2 and 7
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. Discuss the symbolism and its interpretation in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
2. Discuss the symbolism and its interpretation in Daniel's dream.


Two page paper: Compare Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel's vision in light of the significant place it plays in prophecy through the ages from Daniel to eternity future.

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WEEK SEVEN: Fall of Babylon - the Empire

Reading: Chapter 5
Lectures online:

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Supplemental Reading: Ezra 7, Jeremiah 50, 51, Revelation 18, Dallas Commentary

Study Questions

1. Who was Belshazzar and when did this transition occur?
2. Illustrate the principle that prophecy often does not follow the chronology of the chapters in the Bible. 


Two page paper:  Recognize that the fall of Babylon has taken place but the city of Babylon was not destroyed.  What is the significance of this?

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WEEK EIGHT: The Rise of the Medo-Persian Empire

Reading: Daniel 6
Supplemental Reading: Renald Showers
Audio Commentary by J. Vernon McGee: Daniel 6

Study Questions:

1. As Daniel moves into authority in this new Gentile power, unique for Jews to be so placed, how does this lead to him being cast into the lions den?
2. Recognize that this is not so much prophetic as practical.  Relate how his consistency prepares him to be trusted by God with His prophetic message.
3. In Daniel 6:28 it reveals how he prospered...what led to this prosperity?


Two page paper on: Discuss the principle of faithfulness and being entrusted with greater responsibility.

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WEEK NINE: 70th Week of Daniel

Reading: Chapter 9
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. Daniel was a student of prophecy.  By reading the writings of Jeremiah, he figured out where he was in God's overall plan.  What was Daniel's response to what he had read?
2. How did God respond to Daniel's faithfulness? (24-27)
3. Describe the recipients of this prophecy and the major events of the first 69 weeks.
4. Describe the elements of the 70th week of Daniel.


Two page paper:  How were the major events of the first 69 weeks fulfilled?  Describe the events of the 70th week of Daniel that will be fulfilled in like manner to the first 69 weeks.  How does the fulfillment of one set of prophecies set the foundation and assure the fulfillment of the latter?

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WEEK TEN: Angels and Prophecy

Reading: Chapter 10
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. What was Daniel's preparation prior to receiving the messenger?
2. Daniel speaks of evil angels (princes) who will take possession of human leaders.  For what ultimate purpose?

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WEEK ELEVEN: Five Personalities of Prophecy

Reading: Chapter 11
Lectures online:

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Study Questions

1. Determine and name the first 4 personalities of Daniel 11 from Biblical and historical record.
2. What assumptions can we make about the 5th personality knowing that the prophecy concerning the first 4 personalities was fulfilled?
3. What current day countries/nations are associated with the program of this 5th personality?
4. Using the rules of prophetic hermeneutics, translate verse 45 into an understandable prophetic translation of v 45.


Two page paper:  Document the fulfillment of the first 4 prophecies of personalities.  How might these be related to our approach to the 5th personality and current events?

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WEEK TWELVE: At The Time Of The End

Reading: Daniel 12
Lectures online:

Study Questions

1. Tribulation. To whom is Daniel addressing this?
2. Resurrection of Old Testament Jews.  Who is involved in this resurrection?
3. Last message to Daniel 4-14 - Describe the intensity of the Great Tribulation - the last 3 1/2 years.


Two page paper:  The "Time of the End" is mentioned in Daniel 11:35, 40, 12:4.  How do these passages flesh out the phrase "Time of the End"?

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FINAL PROJECT (25 percent)

Develop a timeline, in a ten page paper setting the sequence of events in Daniel, chronologically. Include both Scriptural and historical references to support this line.

FINAL EXAMINATION (25 percent) (Student may be exempt by maintaining an "A" average on deliverables and final project.)

The final examination will be open book and the questions used will be taken directly from the weekly Study Questions.  Due at the end of the fifteenth week.

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