School of Prophets LBU Prophecy Conference

Courses offered in the School of Prophets Conference December 2016

The Judgments

  • This course will cover the coming judgments prophesied in God's Word.
  • It will cover the Judge, the Judged, and the Judgements.
  • This doctorate-level course (BIB 659) will be taught by Dr. Jimmy DeYoung.

Understanding Roman Catholicism

  • This course will focus primarily on the foundational theology and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, with a view to ministering to Catholics, in terms of both evangelism and discipleship.
  • This study will include a discussion of the basic doctrines, the sacraments, and the major theological and practical differences that divide Catholics and Evangelicals.
  • While there are other forms of Catholicism, most notably the Eastern Orthodox Church, this course focuses almost exclusively on the western or Latin church, headquartered in Vatican City in Rome.
  • This doctorate-level course will be taught by David James.