1. Three Groups of the Human Family
2. Gentiles
3. The Origins of God's Chosen People
4. Personalities in Jewish History
5. The Christians - The Church
6. From Two Come One - Ephesians 2 - 3
7. The "Fullness of the Gentiles" - Romans 11:25
8. Esau & Jacob
9. Origins of the Arab World
10. Ishmael's Islamic Invasion
11. Islam and the End Times
12. Esau and the Palestinians
Learning Objectives
Know how God's plan has played out through history and into eternity.
Understand how historical events impact future events.
Identify the three main events of the future.
Primary Resources
1. King James Bible
2. Interlinear Greek New Testament
3. Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament
4. Strong's Concordance
5. For your reference, here is an archived previous version of this course.
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Online Resources
Free Bible Study Resources
There are many places online that you can read and study God's Word. Here are just a few of our favorites.*
Study the Bible Online (Website based)
These websites have multiple searchable Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries, reading plans, and more. You can search by keyword, reference, or topic.
BibleGateway.com |
Dozens of English Bible Translations and commentaries. Many other languages also supported |
BibleHub.com |
Many English Bible Translations, and see them all at once, verse-by-verse |
BibleStudyTools.com |
Multiple English Translations, Encyclopedias, Commentaries, Dictionaries, and more |
StudyLight.org |
Many Bible Translations and Study Materials available |
Bible Study Desktop Applications
These free apps for your desktop or laptop offer free search, Bible reading, and study materials in multiple English translations, as well as other languages. No internet connection required after the initial download.
Bible Study Mobile Apps
These free apps for your phone, tablet, or mobile device offer free search and bible reading in multiple English translations, as well as other languages. Many of the Bibles are available to download for offline reading.
Download Audio Bibles
Download the Bible in spoken word form to listen to on your computer, media player, phone, or other device. This is a great way to enrich your commutes, exercise routine, or other downtime.
Bible.is |
Multiple Translations available in audio MP3s. Download for offline listening. Options include: Dramatized or not, with or without background music options for some translations. |
Other Online Resources
Prophecy Today - prophecytoday.com
The Sanhedrin - thesanhedrin.org
The Temple Institute in Jerusalem, Israel - templeinstitute.org
The Internet Archive - Text Archive Search - archive.org. Millions of books that are now in the public domain, including many Study Bibles, Commentaries, Devotionals, etc. that are available for online reading or download.
Dallas Theological Seminary Library Rare Books - rarebooks.dts.edu
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) - ccel.org. a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books.
Project Gutenberg: Free ebooks - gutenberg.org
Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon - eliyah.com
Biblical History Maps - ancienthistory.about.com
Bible Timeline - timeline.biblehistory.com
Bible Atlas - openbible.info
Lee University - List of English Bible translations on online sources for them - leeuniversity.edu
Internet Bible Catalog - bibles.wikidot.com
Thru the Bible Radio with J. Vernon McGee (full 5-year program available to download as mp3s)
Arutz Sheva - israelnationalnews.com News out of Israel
The Jerusalem Post - jpost.com News out of Israel
LibreOffice - Free, Legal, Safe, Cross-platform office suite - libreoffice.org
* External pages are not maintained or controlled by the School of Prophets or Shofar Communications, Inc..
Inclusion on this page doesn't necessarily mean that everything on these sites is endorsed or supported by Shofar Communications, Inc..
But, of course, we do fully endorse the Bible itself. Back to Top
Grade: 100%
Weekly Paper - 7% each = 50%
Final Project = 25%
Final Examination = 25%
The Weekly Paper is due at the end of each week.
The Final Project is due at the beginning of the fourteenth week.
The Final Examination is due at the end of the fifteenth week.
WEEK ONE: Three Groups of the Human Family
Reading: I Corinthians 10; Genesis 10:1-5; Genesis 12; and Acts 2
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions:
1. As distinguished in the assigned readings, what are the three groups that make up the human family?
2. Looking at the Biblical timeline, when did each of these family groups come into existence?
3. What events immediately preceded and/or ushered in each of these family groups?
Two-page paper on: How does understanding the characteristics and distinctiveness of the three family groups help you to understand and rightly interpret prophetic Scripture?
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WEEK TWO: Gentiles
Reading: Genesis 1-11, Daniel 1, Ezekiel 1 and 2, 3, Luke 21
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study questions
1. Which family group was created first and when did its exclusivity end?
2. Men like Seth, Enoch, and Noah were great men of God but would you consider them Christians? Explain.
3. After the introduction of the Jews, what role do the Gentiles now play? When will their role come to an end?
Two page paper on: Define and explain the term "the Times of the Gentiles" as used in Scripture, Luke 21:24.
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WEEK THREE: The Origins of God's Chosen People
Reading: Genesis 12, 13, 15; Deuteronomy 32, 7; Genesis 32; and II Kings 16:1-6
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. Explain how the first Jew was a Gentile.
2. Discuss how God developed a special relationship with Abraham and his descendents in the "line of promise."
3. Why did God bring into existence a new people? How does their existence fit into His eternal plan?
4. Are there ways that this special people and their relationship with God could be negated?
Two page paper on: How do the "chosen people" of God demonstrate the grace of God?
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WEEK FOUR: Personalities of early Jewish history
Reading: Genesis 12-15, 17, 22, 25, 27, 37, 46, Exodus 1, 2, 3 Numbers 1:47-54. Deuteronomy 34, Joshua 1, Judges 13, I Samuel 1, 9, II Samuel 2, 5, I Kings 1, 2
Lectures online (Dr. McGee):
Paper: For the 12 Jewish personalities, tell of their choosing, mission, relationship to God, and how God's grace is demonstrated in each case. (6 to 10 pages)
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WEEK FIVE: The Christians - The Church
Reading: Reading: Matthew 16, Acts 2, 10, 15, Ephesians 2, I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. Gentiles and Jews have been the two groups existing up to this point. We now have Christians. How are these two groups brought together into this third group called Christians?
2. Define the distinctions and similarities between Christians and the Church.
3. Why would the people of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts 1 not be included in the new creation called the Church?
4. What is the time period of the Church Age? That is, the Church Age goes from what point to what point?
Two page paper on: Explain the uniqueness of the Church in its relationship to Christ.
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WEEK SIX: From Two Comes One
Reading: Ephesians 2, 3; Romans 11; II Peter 3; Galatians 2, 3
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. Ephesians 2:11-22 says "from two comes one." What did Paul mean by this?
2. In light of the truth of Ephesians 2, are God's promises to Jews and Gentiles different than those given to the Church?
3. How are these truths (from two comes one) manifested in the study of prophecy?
4. Do these truths give us insight into the messianic Jewish movement?
Two page paper on: Differentiate between the three members of the human family noting similarities and differences.
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WEEK SEVEN: The Fullness of the Gentiles
Reading: Romans 11, Acts 10,15, II Peter 3
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. When does the "fullness of the Gentiles" come?
2. What is happening to the Jews during this period?
3. What is keeping Jesus from calling us up, the Rapture of Church, right now?
4. What way could Christians hasten the coming of the Lord?
Two page paper on: How does the "fullness of the Gentiles" influence endtime prophecy?
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WEEK EIGHT: Esau and Jacob
Reading: Genesis 25, 27, 36, 37, Jeremiah 49:7-22, Ezekiel 35, Obadiah 1, Malachi 1, Romans 9:10-14
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. How is God's promise to Rebecca concerning her two sons being played out in history?
2. What part does "sovereign selection" play in the lives of Jacob and Esau?
3. What is the ultimate destiny of the descendants of Esau?
4. Is it possible to identify the two peoples spoken of in Genesis 25:23?
Two page paper on: Trace Esau and Jacob from Genesis 25 to Obadiah 18
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WEEK NINE: Origins of the Arab World
Reading: Genesis 10, 16, 17, 25
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. Why is it incorrect to think of Ishmael as the "Father" of the Arab World?
2. How does Genesis 10 give us further proof that Ishmael was not the Father of the Arab World?
3. From extra-Biblical writings, define present day thinking of what nations make up the Arab World.
4. How does a nation qualify as an Arab nation?
Two page paper on: Why is it important to understand the origins of the Arab world were not the descendents of Ishmael?
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WEEK TEN: Ishmael's Islamic Invasion
Reading: Genesis 16, 17, 25
Lectures online: Ishmael's Islamic Invasion (5 hour lecture)
1. Satan's Dominion Strategy
5. Islam: The Final Solution
Five page paper: Summarize what you have listened to from the lecture.
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WEEK ELEVEN: Islam and the End Times
Reading: Daniel 11:40-45; Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83:1-8, Joel 2:1-3, Ezekiel 39:1-6
Lectures online: Listen Download
Study Questions
1. Moslem and Islam are not mentioned in the Bible.
2. How can we recognize the role of Islam in the Last Days? From extra-Biblical writings, describe the eschatology of Islam.
3. Again from extra-Biblical writings, how do current events reveal the role of Islam in the End Times?
4. How does the Ezekiel 39 prophecy depict the demise of the Islamic world?
Two page paper on: Describe Islam's role in the End Times and what brings about their abrupt end.
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WEEK TWELVE: Esau and the Palestinians
Reading: Genesis 25, 27, 36, Ex 17, I Samuel 15, Esther 1-3, Ezra 3-5, Malachi 1, Obadiah
Lectures online: Listen to the 5 hour series on Esau and the Palestinians.
1. The Tale of Two Brothers
2. The Impregnable City - Petra
3. Edomites in Old Testament Times
4. From Malachi to Matthew
Five Page Paper: Summarize the history from Esau to the Palestinians and their ultimate destiny.
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FINAL PROJECT (25 percent)
Eight to Ten Page Paper: There are three members of the human family, Gentiles, Jews, Christians. Understanding the distinctions of these three groups helps one to understand to whom God is communicating during any specific age. Why is this important? Contrast and illustrate God's different prophetic programs for each of these three groups.
FINAL EXAMINATION (25 percent) (Student may be exempt by maintaining an "A" average on deliverables and final project.)
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For your reference, here is
an archived previous version of this course.